A year or so ago I got this crazy idea that I wanted to go on a solo float trip down the Current River. Why you ask? Well I can tell you that anyone I shared this idea with thought I was crazy... I think I did for a time as well. My beautiful wife didn't give me that reaction though, she simply said ok. Well finally this past week I did it, I floated 30 miles by myself and stayed 2 nights on the river. This was a completely new experience for me. I had to face many fears, some I didn't even know I had. So what were those fears, well... let's see. First was what if I tipped or got hurt and there was no one around to help me? I learned that God was right there with me. Next was the fear of when it got dark, what critters would be there stalking me at night? I learned that the King of all creation was right there with me. What I didn't know I feared was that of being alone, alone with my thoughts, alone with my past, alone with my future. See when you are out there in the wilderness your mind comes to life. It's almost as if the sound of the breeze blowing through the trees becomes a clanging cymbal, or the bubbling water over the stones becomes a roar, and your thoughts become a scream in your ears.
When there are no distractions around whether it be a computer, people or just the business of life one can concentrate or focus on those things that the Lord might be whispering to you. I was able to get through a book, watch the birds go about their business, listen to the wind, and spend some incredible time with my God. As I saw how perfect everything was, how the birds had all of the food they needed, how peaceful everything was I knew that God was there.
I read the book Not Even a Hint by J0shua Harris. It spoke specifically about sexual purity; however it applied to all sin in our lives. As I watched and listened to the sights and sounds around me it became clearly evident how Holy the God of all creation truly is, it became clear how much He loves us. The Father in Heaven wants us to be deep in love with him, to be so passionate about him that we hate our sin, all of our sin.
Heavenly Father move me so that I hate my sin and that I might be a "man after your own heart"
Here are some pics from my trip (more to follow).
Current River at Pultite
Pultite Spring
Looking up river
Morning Fog looking at the cliff
At the campsite Friday Morning
Blue Springs