Ok, so it has been awhile since I have blogged. I am sitting here in an airport in Omaha 6 months into my new job. Wow! What a change in life, I went from driving to and from work everyday to flying around the country and in different places from one week to another, meeting lots of different people and I am really getting a different perspective on life. I really do like the change, I don't like being away from my beautiful wife and my crazy boys. The new job is a different pace than what I am used to, I used to be focused on projects that would take weeks and even months to complete now there is something different almost everyday, based upon what customer meetings I have. With all the craziness it can be easy to lose one's self because in this fast-paced position and this side of the IT industry there is so much focus on money and things. I admit there are times where I felt very overwhelmed and conflicted because in order to get ahead you have to "make a name for yourself". Well according to the scriptures we are to "decrease so that the Lord may increase" and we are to "die to ourselves" so this message conflicts with the very being of who I am. My bride and I were talking a couple of days ago about these struggles and while I was on my way up here to Omaha she sent me this scripture:
"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." Phillippians 2:3
So I was very clearly reminded of my position which is that I am a child of the living God and that I am a sinner just like everyone else and that the Lord, the Lord alone will be my champion (Psalm 11). So I will do all that I know to do and do it as if I am doing it unto the Lord and not be of a carnal mind (Colossians 3). Easier said than done, but I will keep the hands to the plow. Now I am ready to get home! Can't wait to see you honey!