"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be swept off to." - Bilbo Baggins

Monday, October 26, 2009

Little Boys, Armor and Halloween

Yesterday Shannon took the boys to pick up a costume for Benjamin. He wanted a specific costume so she ended up having to go to one of those costume shops. She successfully found the costume. Last night Eli told me how Sam was scared of some of those costumes. You know the ones I am talking about, those that scare even some of the adults. I could tell that Sam wasn't the only one scared, I could tell that he was scared to. So that led to the conversation about monsters and demons and angels. I sat the boys down and told them what real power the demons have. They cannot physically attack us like the pop culture and even some churches teach and believe. Instead I explained how they can tempt us to do evil things, things that are in disobedience to the Lord. We worked through Ephesians 6:10-18 and explained how to do real spiritual battle, how to use the Armor of God. Well once we were done Elijah looked at me in the eyes and simply broke down. He started to tell me of some of the bad things he had done, his heart was broken that he had disobeyed the Lord. That so struck me because that is exactly what the Lord desires is a tender, broken heart before the Lord. I held Eli close and said you have been forgiven my son, the Lord has also forgiven you. So as we come upon Halloween where all the world celebrates the darkness, remember to keep the belt of truth buckled around your waste (along with the rest of the armor) and stand strong in the Lord. There is nothing to fear except the Lord alone.

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