"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be swept off to." - Bilbo Baggins

Monday, July 9, 2012

Google Joins the Anti-gun club

Google Joins the Anti-gun club which is why I will be discontinuing my use of Google mail, unfortunately there are no real competitors to Google when it comes to blogging.  I have watched over the last few years how anti-gun groups have used subterfuge to quietly accomplish their anti-gun agendas.  Doing business with like minded individuals used to be easier; however in today's internet age and "global economy" that has become harder and harder to do.  We end up doing business with companies that use our money against the very ideals and values that we spend money to support, which essentially negates those funds and even worse supports (indirectly) the very thing we are against.  Please understand that I don't think that this will make any dent in Google's business or in their anti-gun agenda and left wing thinking; however it is important that I uphold the values, principles and ideals so that my sons and their children will take note and one day make those same types of decisions.  Please visit my new blog at http://www.dontmissthejourney.com.  Also, please be patient as it will take me some time to get things updated and functioning again.

Here is a link to some of the news around Google's new policy on guns.  While I understand that this only affects the shopping aspects there is no way to know how Google adjusts their search results and I have to believe that their money is going to anti-gun PAC's and politicians.


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