These last few weeks have really been a challenge for me. Most people would say that I am probably pretty laid back, those who know me well would probably say otherwise, especially my beautiful wife. Lord knows that I can be one of the most impatient people. Along with that impatience comes a control freak. I have to be in control of the situation. Over the past few years I have really hit a ceiling in my current job. The politics and overall climate at my current place of employment has really degraded and has become much more of a source of stress and irritation than anything else. When faced with the fact that I cannot go anywhere else except into management (which is NOT my desire) the realization has struck me that if I want to get any more experience I will have to search for another job. So the search has begun. I interviewed with a company approximately one month ago. I have had two interviews total and am currently awaiting the results. Since then two other opportunities have come along. My problem is that I want something to happen and that I want to be in command. Good right? Well yes, except I want things to happen right now. The Lord is so good, He has been long suffering with me and during this process I have been constantly reminded of Proverbs 3:1-10. I have tried to make things happen, but I keep hearing the Lord say wait for me. Shannon keeps telling me to be thankful that I have time to pray for the Lord's direction with these opportunities. As much as I hate to hear it, I know that is right. The other day at work I was stressing about work and worrying about why things aren't moving along with these other opportunities so I decided to take a walk around the building. There are certain things in nature that simply remind me of the Lord and His awesomeness. As I walked along I noticed in a tree a single ladybug. Now this was nearing the end of the period where the ladybugs swarm. As I sat and watched how this little bug ate the aphids from this tree and seemed to eat to its little heart's content it was a simple reminder of Jesus' words:
"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his staturs?" -Matthew 6:25-27
The Lord clearly spoke to me and said that He is in control and to not fret about what will happen. Well that is easier said than done. So I write this to say that I need to pray, to repent, and to seek the Lord out with ALL my heart. What does that mean, all my heart as Proverbs 3:5 says. Trust with all my heart. I often pray Psalm 139:23, 24. I know that the Lord is teaching me to trust with ALL my heart. I hope that I am not too foolish to take the long way to learn this.
Someone once shared with me that great advice. Hopefully I can share some things I have learned in my life and help others avoid some of the mistakes I have made. This is a place to write my heart, so here I am, on the journey. May all the Glory be given to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be swept off to." - Bilbo Baggins
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Washington University, Planned Parenthood and Abortion
It is no secret that Planned Parenthood and Family Planning Services really have nothing to do with family. They have everything to do with preventing one through abortions. Last week a friend of mine, who is in church with me, wrote a letter to the Dean of Washington University School of Medicine. What he found out was that WU has began working with, and is funded by Planned Parenthood and Family Planning Services to train physicians on how to perform abortions.
Jim works at WU and after not receiving a response from Dr. Larry Shapiro, he forwarded the message out to the whole WU email distribution list, approximately 3000+ people, including many, many physicians. Well he did get reprimanded; however people started coming out of the woodworks in support of him. That same week, another organization took out a full page add in the St. Louis Post Dispatch on the fact that WU was working with the abortion clinics. Just yesterday a director of one of these abortion clinics announced yesterday she has "converted" to prolife because of what she saw. Coincidence? No way, the Lord is at work. Jim Ide has been a champion and took a major step of faith because he is now under persecution at his job, he may even lose his job. With Jim's permission I have attached the contents of his letter that was sent to all of WU:
Dear Dr. Shapiro,
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter as I know you are a busy man. I wanted to express to you my concern about an issue that is very near and dear to my heart—the sanctity of human life. As a Christian, I am called to be “salt and light”
I was stirred to communicate to you how disturbed I am to have recently learned that Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital have entered into a partnership with Planned Parenthood of St. Louis to train Fellows in the practice of performing the abortion of innocent pre-born children. I am referring to the Family Planning Fellowship Program which provides training to Fellows to become expert in all methods of first and second trimester abortions.
My position starts with how I define “conception”. Fertilization, scientifically speaking, is conception; the initial event along the road of human development. When 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father combine to determine everything from the physical features to the personality of the new human being, a unique person’s life begins. This human being is distinctly not the same genetic makeup of the mother or the father, but is a complete and fully new human being from the earliest stage of life. The DNA is different than either parent and is not part of the mother’s body. It just happens to reside there during the early stages of growth.
Not too long ago, somewhere between 1995 and 2000, the scientific community began a redefinition of when life begins. What frightens me is the question, “just how much farther will this redefining go before reaching the definition that accommodates their research goals?”
Here’s my point. Until recently, conception was synonymous with fertilization. In fact, in the 26th edition of Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, conception was defined as the “act of conceiving, or becoming pregnant; fertilization of the oocyte (ovum) by spermatozoon to form a viable zygote.” Conception was defined as the time of fertilization. However, something interesting happened in the next five years. In the 27th edition of Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, conception is defined as follows: “Act of conceiving; the implantation of the blastocyte in the endometrium.” Note here that implantation is now the defining point in conception. The scientific community arbitrarily, without any scientific justification, redefined the starting point of life.
According to the redefined view, a zygote less than nine or so days old, having not yet completed implantation, would not be considered alive. If it is not alive, it certainly cannot be human. This change was completely arbitrary, for there was no basic change in the understanding of the developmental process that would make this redefinition necessary.
The new definition has great implications in the political, ethical and moral arenas. Personal and governmental decision-making on such issues as embryonic stem cell research, cloning, and the so-called “morning after pill” directly depends on the validity of this definition. If preimplantation blastocysts were not alive, they could be guiltlessly harvested or destroyed prior to the six-to-nine day mark because “conception” had not yet occurred.
Life begins at conception. Even though the names change throughout this life process and certain milestones in development are evident, the process set in motion at the moment of conception is a continuous chain of events. In this sequence, groups of cells multiply and develop into specific body parts with amazing precision and a remarkably low rate of error. However, at no time in this process is there a scientific point at which the developing individual clearly “becomes a person,” any more than a baby becomes more human when it walks, talks, or when it is weaned. These milestones in zygote, blastocyst, embryonic, and fetal development are simply descriptions of anatomy, not hurdles met in the test of humanness. From a scientific point of view, the words are arbitrary and purely descriptive. Each stage flows seamlessly into the next with a great number of detailed embryological changes followed by organ growth and finely tuned development all orchestrated with precision. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made”.
Although science has shown us the wonderful continuity of the development of life throughout all its stages, science has not been able to define the onset of humanness. However, there is more than enough information in Scripture for us to determine the answer to this. The Bible contains many references to the unborn. Each time the Bible speaks of the unborn, there is a reference to an actual person, a living human being already in existence. These scriptures, taken in context, all indicate that God considers the unborn to be people. The language of the text continually describes them in personal terms. Since the Bible treats those persons yet unborn as real persons, and since the development of a person is a continuum with a definite beginning at the moment of fertilization, the logical point at which a person begins to be human is at the beginning. The answer is that life begins at conception (using the now older definition of the term, here to be synonymous with fertilization). No other conclusion is possible from Scripture or science.
So, why do I think this is important? Simply, the status of the zygote/embryo/fetus is central to many issues facing our society. Here are four of the main issues. (1) The most obvious in this regard is abortion. If the zygote is a human life, then abortion is murder. (2) The same can be said of the issues surrounding the embryonic stem cell debate. If the embryo is human, then destroying it is murder, no matter what supposedly altruistic reason is given as justification. (3) The ethics of cloning require consideration of the concept of humanness and the timing of its onset. (4) A person’s acceptance or rejection of the controversial morning after pill is based upon the determination of when human life begins.
Dr. Shapiro, Life is a precious gift from God. Washington University has a long history of being at the top in medical research and development of life-saving medicines and procedures. The university has always used its resources to save and extend life. I’m asking that Washington University take a stand against the taking of innocent life. I’m asking that we remain a leader and not a follower in a society that seems to have less and less regard for human life. I’m asking that you make every effort possible to end this partnership with Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Planned Parenthood of St. Louis.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this very important issue. I pray that this letter contains the sting of salt and enough light to help you see clearly. I will be praying for the leadership of Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
For Jesus the Creator,
James R. Ide IV
Jim is an example to me and should be to all of us, Christians need to be salt and light, we are the ambassadors of the Gospel. We need to do it in love and with gentleness and respect. We need to stand up, like Jim did, and be willing to lay it all on the line. Abortion is one of many sins that are defining this nation and if there is one thing I know out of the scriptures, when a nation turns its heart against the Lord Almighty there is judgment. The Lord is long suffering, look at how many prophets He sent to Israel before judgment came.
Jim, thank you for being a bold man of God!
Jim works at WU and after not receiving a response from Dr. Larry Shapiro, he forwarded the message out to the whole WU email distribution list, approximately 3000+ people, including many, many physicians. Well he did get reprimanded; however people started coming out of the woodworks in support of him. That same week, another organization took out a full page add in the St. Louis Post Dispatch on the fact that WU was working with the abortion clinics. Just yesterday a director of one of these abortion clinics announced yesterday she has "converted" to prolife because of what she saw. Coincidence? No way, the Lord is at work. Jim Ide has been a champion and took a major step of faith because he is now under persecution at his job, he may even lose his job. With Jim's permission I have attached the contents of his letter that was sent to all of WU:
Dear Dr. Shapiro,
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter as I know you are a busy man. I wanted to express to you my concern about an issue that is very near and dear to my heart—the sanctity of human life. As a Christian, I am called to be “salt and light”
I was stirred to communicate to you how disturbed I am to have recently learned that Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital have entered into a partnership with Planned Parenthood of St. Louis to train Fellows in the practice of performing the abortion of innocent pre-born children. I am referring to the Family Planning Fellowship Program which provides training to Fellows to become expert in all methods of first and second trimester abortions.
My position starts with how I define “conception”. Fertilization, scientifically speaking, is conception; the initial event along the road of human development. When 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father combine to determine everything from the physical features to the personality of the new human being, a unique person’s life begins. This human being is distinctly not the same genetic makeup of the mother or the father, but is a complete and fully new human being from the earliest stage of life. The DNA is different than either parent and is not part of the mother’s body. It just happens to reside there during the early stages of growth.
Not too long ago, somewhere between 1995 and 2000, the scientific community began a redefinition of when life begins. What frightens me is the question, “just how much farther will this redefining go before reaching the definition that accommodates their research goals?”
Here’s my point. Until recently, conception was synonymous with fertilization. In fact, in the 26th edition of Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, conception was defined as the “act of conceiving, or becoming pregnant; fertilization of the oocyte (ovum) by spermatozoon to form a viable zygote.” Conception was defined as the time of fertilization. However, something interesting happened in the next five years. In the 27th edition of Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, conception is defined as follows: “Act of conceiving; the implantation of the blastocyte in the endometrium.” Note here that implantation is now the defining point in conception. The scientific community arbitrarily, without any scientific justification, redefined the starting point of life.
According to the redefined view, a zygote less than nine or so days old, having not yet completed implantation, would not be considered alive. If it is not alive, it certainly cannot be human. This change was completely arbitrary, for there was no basic change in the understanding of the developmental process that would make this redefinition necessary.
The new definition has great implications in the political, ethical and moral arenas. Personal and governmental decision-making on such issues as embryonic stem cell research, cloning, and the so-called “morning after pill” directly depends on the validity of this definition. If preimplantation blastocysts were not alive, they could be guiltlessly harvested or destroyed prior to the six-to-nine day mark because “conception” had not yet occurred.
Life begins at conception. Even though the names change throughout this life process and certain milestones in development are evident, the process set in motion at the moment of conception is a continuous chain of events. In this sequence, groups of cells multiply and develop into specific body parts with amazing precision and a remarkably low rate of error. However, at no time in this process is there a scientific point at which the developing individual clearly “becomes a person,” any more than a baby becomes more human when it walks, talks, or when it is weaned. These milestones in zygote, blastocyst, embryonic, and fetal development are simply descriptions of anatomy, not hurdles met in the test of humanness. From a scientific point of view, the words are arbitrary and purely descriptive. Each stage flows seamlessly into the next with a great number of detailed embryological changes followed by organ growth and finely tuned development all orchestrated with precision. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made”.
Although science has shown us the wonderful continuity of the development of life throughout all its stages, science has not been able to define the onset of humanness. However, there is more than enough information in Scripture for us to determine the answer to this. The Bible contains many references to the unborn. Each time the Bible speaks of the unborn, there is a reference to an actual person, a living human being already in existence. These scriptures, taken in context, all indicate that God considers the unborn to be people. The language of the text continually describes them in personal terms. Since the Bible treats those persons yet unborn as real persons, and since the development of a person is a continuum with a definite beginning at the moment of fertilization, the logical point at which a person begins to be human is at the beginning. The answer is that life begins at conception (using the now older definition of the term, here to be synonymous with fertilization). No other conclusion is possible from Scripture or science.
So, why do I think this is important? Simply, the status of the zygote/embryo/fetus is central to many issues facing our society. Here are four of the main issues. (1) The most obvious in this regard is abortion. If the zygote is a human life, then abortion is murder. (2) The same can be said of the issues surrounding the embryonic stem cell debate. If the embryo is human, then destroying it is murder, no matter what supposedly altruistic reason is given as justification. (3) The ethics of cloning require consideration of the concept of humanness and the timing of its onset. (4) A person’s acceptance or rejection of the controversial morning after pill is based upon the determination of when human life begins.
Dr. Shapiro, Life is a precious gift from God. Washington University has a long history of being at the top in medical research and development of life-saving medicines and procedures. The university has always used its resources to save and extend life. I’m asking that Washington University take a stand against the taking of innocent life. I’m asking that we remain a leader and not a follower in a society that seems to have less and less regard for human life. I’m asking that you make every effort possible to end this partnership with Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Planned Parenthood of St. Louis.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this very important issue. I pray that this letter contains the sting of salt and enough light to help you see clearly. I will be praying for the leadership of Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
For Jesus the Creator,
James R. Ide IV
Jim is an example to me and should be to all of us, Christians need to be salt and light, we are the ambassadors of the Gospel. We need to do it in love and with gentleness and respect. We need to stand up, like Jim did, and be willing to lay it all on the line. Abortion is one of many sins that are defining this nation and if there is one thing I know out of the scriptures, when a nation turns its heart against the Lord Almighty there is judgment. The Lord is long suffering, look at how many prophets He sent to Israel before judgment came.
Jim, thank you for being a bold man of God!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Little Boys, Armor and Halloween
Yesterday Shannon took the boys to pick up a costume for Benjamin. He wanted a specific costume so she ended up having to go to one of those costume shops. She successfully found the costume. Last night Eli told me how Sam was scared of some of those costumes. You know the ones I am talking about, those that scare even some of the adults. I could tell that Sam wasn't the only one scared, I could tell that he was scared to. So that led to the conversation about monsters and demons and angels. I sat the boys down and told them what real power the demons have. They cannot physically attack us like the pop culture and even some churches teach and believe. Instead I explained how they can tempt us to do evil things, things that are in disobedience to the Lord. We worked through Ephesians 6:10-18 and explained how to do real spiritual battle, how to use the Armor of God. Well once we were done Elijah looked at me in the eyes and simply broke down. He started to tell me of some of the bad things he had done, his heart was broken that he had disobeyed the Lord. That so struck me because that is exactly what the Lord desires is a tender, broken heart before the Lord. I held Eli close and said you have been forgiven my son, the Lord has also forgiven you. So as we come upon Halloween where all the world celebrates the darkness, remember to keep the belt of truth buckled around your waste (along with the rest of the armor) and stand strong in the Lord. There is nothing to fear except the Lord alone.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The little feet that follow
Yesterday I was driving the family over to Eckert's Farm to do some apple picking. My sons never cease to amaze me. It amazes me how much they pick up on, just when you think they aren't listening they are. Samuel has become quite the little parrot, everything Elijah does he would mimic him. If Elijah does his goofy goober dance (I will let my wife post on that ;) ) Samuel will do it, but with less inhibition. If Elijah makes some sort of goofy sound Samuel will follow up but will do it louder. If Elijah gets angry about something Samuel will get angry about the same thing usually getting more angry. So what I observed was that not only did Samuel mimic Elijah he would do it to a higher degree. Over the past few years I have watched my sons learn so much from me, the good, bad and ugly. Usually though they take it to the next level. I have had to watch so much of what I do. The song by Casting Crowns, "Slow Fade" sums it up so well. (Turn up your volume and the song should be playing.) Men our children will walk where we walk, they will look where we look, and yes they will do what we do... only better... and... worse. One evening while praying at the dinner table we usually ask the Lord's blessing and give thanks for our food. As we bowed our heads and folded our hands Sammy looked at me and immediately followed suit, Shannon, of course, had to snap a picture. I am so glad she did as this picture reminds me of where I need to walk.

Daddy's always remember Proverbs 4:23-27 because there are little feet that will follow.
Proverbs 4:23-27
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
24 Put away perversity from your mouth;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
25 Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you.
26 Make level [b] paths for your feet
and take only ways that are firm.
27 Do not swerve to the right or the left;
keep your foot from evil.
Daddy's always remember Proverbs 4:23-27 because there are little feet that will follow.
Proverbs 4:23-27
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
24 Put away perversity from your mouth;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
25 Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you.
26 Make level [b] paths for your feet
and take only ways that are firm.
27 Do not swerve to the right or the left;
keep your foot from evil.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What is worship?
I have been involved at some level in "worship leading" for the past 17 years or so and lately there has been been a stirring in my heart with regard to worship. As I have walked out my journey of healing these last couple of years the Lord has really "reset" my focus through scripture reading and through prayer. Honestly after things kind of came to a head in 2006 I became disenchanted with "worship" as we know it. So why do I keep putting the word worship in quotes? Well I have found that many Christians define worship as what happens on a Sunday morning or during a prayer meeting. That is true, that is worship, it is a form of worship; however one should ask is that the kind of worship God is looking for? Take a look at Psalm 40:6. It states: "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but my ears you have pierced." Also take a look at Psalm 51. Read that whole psalm. Notice what is states in Psalm 51:16, 17: "You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." Pretty interesting. I have been in many churches where music was the centerpiece of the service, where performance and how things look and sounded were more important than peoples heart. Don't get me wrong, music has its place; however it is but a small portion of what our walk with the Lord should be. It is but the preparation for entering into the Temple, are we more interested in prepping to enter the Temple or the Temple itself? I see the Lord reshaping me in worship, in what worship really is. True worship, is John 4:21-24, true sacrifice is a broken heart. Lord, keep my heart broken before you. This is a journey for me... stay tuned.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
How Time Flies
It never ceases to amaze me how the older you get the faster time seems to go by. I can remember my grandma (who we affectionately called "Kiddo") would say that time goes by so fast when I would get impatient waiting at her house to go home for Thanksgiving. See when I was younger I would spend the week before Thanksgiving over at my great-aunt Estelle's house. Then on Thanksgiving day we would go over to Kiddo's house. Kiddo always made the turkey. From there we would then head back over to my house. Thanksgiving was also when we would celebrate my birthday, so I always looked forward to getting home to get my gifts. Well anyway I took the long way around to reflect over the past year. It amazes me how much the boys have changed. You can check out my beautiful wife's blog at: for events over the past year. We are coming up on the one year mark where Shannon and I were able to take a trip out to the southwest where I had a conference in Las Vegas and then came back home through Colorado. I will post some pictures in a few days. I admit I hated Las Vegas, it truly is Sin City; however that place is surrounded by some very beautiful country. I just cannot believe it has been a year since we took that trip.
Now I can't slow down time. As Shannon's post says, I know I can't but I wish I could. Enjoy the moment, love your kids, time is short.
Now I can't slow down time. As Shannon's post says, I know I can't but I wish I could. Enjoy the moment, love your kids, time is short.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Once and For ALL Sacrifice
"For I know my transgressions an my sin is always before me." Psalm 51:3
This morning I was reading Hebrews 10. I love this chapter because it talks about how Christ came as the perfect sacrifice once and for all! We no longer have to offer the blood of a goat or a lamb for our sins every year for the blood of Christ was our perfect sacrifice once and for all! Why is this important to me you ask? Consider this: We have a Creator who created the whole universe and put us in it. He made us in His image and likeness. When He made us He gave us the free will to either accept Him or reject Him for that is True Love. Now when we rejected Him we could no longer exist in fellowship with the Holy of Holies, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, sin and holiness cannot exist together, we were cursed... cursed to die. We will die not only a physical death but a spiritual death as well. Enter the love of the Creator, He knew the cost of our sin and knew it would take a sacrifice once and for all. The blood of Jesus Christ, our Creator, the Son of the God Head had to be shed to take away our sins "because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy" (Hebrews 10:14). Through the blood of Jesus Christ "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more." (Hebrews 10:17)
So then what? Christ calls us to live in Holiness, to be Holy because He is Holy (1 Peter 1:16). There is also a curse in the blessing of Christ: "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God." (Hebrews 10:26-27)
Christ came and made the sacrifice once and for all. If we would only be pierced through our hearts and seek Him out, He has made himself known to us, He loves His creation... will we reciprocate that love?
This morning I was reading Hebrews 10. I love this chapter because it talks about how Christ came as the perfect sacrifice once and for all! We no longer have to offer the blood of a goat or a lamb for our sins every year for the blood of Christ was our perfect sacrifice once and for all! Why is this important to me you ask? Consider this: We have a Creator who created the whole universe and put us in it. He made us in His image and likeness. When He made us He gave us the free will to either accept Him or reject Him for that is True Love. Now when we rejected Him we could no longer exist in fellowship with the Holy of Holies, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, sin and holiness cannot exist together, we were cursed... cursed to die. We will die not only a physical death but a spiritual death as well. Enter the love of the Creator, He knew the cost of our sin and knew it would take a sacrifice once and for all. The blood of Jesus Christ, our Creator, the Son of the God Head had to be shed to take away our sins "because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy" (Hebrews 10:14). Through the blood of Jesus Christ "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more." (Hebrews 10:17)
So then what? Christ calls us to live in Holiness, to be Holy because He is Holy (1 Peter 1:16). There is also a curse in the blessing of Christ: "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God." (Hebrews 10:26-27)
Christ came and made the sacrifice once and for all. If we would only be pierced through our hearts and seek Him out, He has made himself known to us, He loves His creation... will we reciprocate that love?
Friday, August 7, 2009
A Father's Greatest Legacy
I spent many years trying to figure out how I can make an impact on this world. From high school until about 3 years ago I spun my wheels serving at various churches some in the capacity as worship leader and others as just a member, I spent time in various mens groups, trying to get ahead at work, looked for ways to possibly sing for a living, and went down a lot of wrong roads. All the while feeling like I had to do something that would make a difference. Then it happened, wham! The Lord got my attention, I was thrown off the road I was on. Throughout 2006 and 2007 the Holy Spirit showed me my sin, convicted me to get into the Word of God and was turning my world upside down. All I had thought, all I had sought after suddenly faded away. After all toiling was meaningless, only the Creator and Lover of my soul brought meaning. I had read through most of the Old Testament and what struck me was how messed up Israel had gotten. I read Lamentations and my heart ached, I saw a lot of our own country in how Israel had hardened their hearts and turned away from the Lord. Weren't the warnings given in Deuteronomy 9 and 10 enough? Apparently not. With each generation Israel grew further and further from the Lord. Their hearts were hardened. Why did that happen? What jumped out at me was reading 1 and 2 Kings. As it went through each king it always started off with the king's name, age, how long he ruled and then most would say "He committed all the sins his father had done before him". Typically it would refer to what that king's father had done. Oh every so often it would say "and so and so did what was right in the eyes of the Lord" but that was the exception. However the father lived is typically how the son lived. It all started with David. David was a man after God's own heart; however he did evil in the eyes of the Lord. His sons (remember most of David's sons were from many wives, Solomon was from Bathsheba) took notice and most often repeated what David did, but more often worse than what David did. The trend continued with Solomon and so-on. Now please understand this has nothing to do with generational curse baloney (that's a whole other topic); however, Dad's, our sons learn from how we live. What the Lord had revealed to me was this: The greatest legacy and impact I will have on this earth is how I raise my sons. I have 3 sons, each one will probably have their own children, and each of them their own children. Folks if we want to turn this country around focus on your children, teach them how to live. As Deuteronomy 11:18-24 states (please read that whole chapter in context):
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes 0f your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the Lord swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth. If you carefully observe all these commands I am giving you to follow - to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways and to hold fast to him - then the Lord will drive out all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you."
It took many generations to get where we are at today and it will take many generations to change it... starting, Fathers, with our own children. If you haven't yet, listen to the song "Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns... wow! Nothing happens overnight. I urge all Fathers, to surrender to the Lord, turn away from your sins, be broken and humble before the Lord, if you do that then we will start to see change, raise your children in a manner that will honor and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. That will be your greatest legacy!
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes 0f your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the Lord swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth. If you carefully observe all these commands I am giving you to follow - to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways and to hold fast to him - then the Lord will drive out all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you."
It took many generations to get where we are at today and it will take many generations to change it... starting, Fathers, with our own children. If you haven't yet, listen to the song "Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns... wow! Nothing happens overnight. I urge all Fathers, to surrender to the Lord, turn away from your sins, be broken and humble before the Lord, if you do that then we will start to see change, raise your children in a manner that will honor and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. That will be your greatest legacy!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Take from the Rich and give to the Richer?
Just a thought on all this talk about health care and redistribution of wealth. The idea behind cash for clunkers, the healthcare bill, new taxes on the ultra wealthy is really about the redistribution of wealth. The US government is the most powerful and wealthy entity on the planet, so why would we want to take money from an individual and give it back to the government? Ah but you say well the government is making everyone equal. Greed exists regardless of the society, or in other words whether the society is a Lennon Utopia (Imagine All the People), socialistic, communistic, or capitalistic we live in a fallen world. The interesting things here is that the 2 of the wealthiest people live right here in the US. Did they take money from the poor to get that wealthy? In the US we have laws against stealing, so the answer to that is now. Those men created their wealth through the innovation of their products and ideas. So why would we allow the government to steal from anyone? If anyone has any thoughts please let me know.
Hank Hanegraaf this past week has had Dr. Jay Richards on his show talking about capitalism. It has been a very intriguing and though provoking conversation. Dr. Richards has written a book called Money, Greed, and God. I plan on purchasing this book and reading it so I will post more of my thoughts later.
Hank Hanegraaf this past week has had Dr. Jay Richards on his show talking about capitalism. It has been a very intriguing and though provoking conversation. Dr. Richards has written a book called Money, Greed, and God. I plan on purchasing this book and reading it so I will post more of my thoughts later.
health care,
redistribution of wealth,
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The other night Shannon and I watched this movie called "Knowing" with Nicolas Cage. I will be blunt, it was one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen, it was actually kind of disturbing. The reason was because it ultimately attempted to define our purpose here on earth and how life came to be on this planet. Basically the movie claims that we were put here by aliens. What a bunch of nonsense!
I am currently reading the book The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. Lee Strobel takes the toughest objections to Christianity and attempts to answer them through various interviews with some of the smartest people around. He takes a hard look at the origin of life and tackles some of these ideas, like: life came from aliens, or evolution. Through reading this book, and other research; I have come to the conclusion that it takes more faith to believe in evolution or that life came from aliens than it does to believe that there was a Creator, and not just any Creator, a Creator who loves our souls so much that He gave us the choice to reject Him.
Consider this: When you look at say a shoe, you don't say that the leather, shoe laces, sole all miraculously came together do you? No! You would say someone designed the shoe and put it together. So why would you look at something as complex as a molecule or a cell and say "oh it just miraculously happened?" What about a tree, or an animal. The chances that things would simply come together and life would form is zero. Don't believe me? Read it, do the research yourself. Why would you just believe what you hear from the Discovery Channel, or in the media? Don't you want to know?
One of the great things about our Creator is that He revealed Himself to us, through His creation, and through His Word. We don't have a blind faith! So the next time someone states that the Bible is false and that we evolved from apes, ask that person where the proof is? Just because the Discovery Channel says so isn't good enough.
I am currently reading the book The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. Lee Strobel takes the toughest objections to Christianity and attempts to answer them through various interviews with some of the smartest people around. He takes a hard look at the origin of life and tackles some of these ideas, like: life came from aliens, or evolution. Through reading this book, and other research; I have come to the conclusion that it takes more faith to believe in evolution or that life came from aliens than it does to believe that there was a Creator, and not just any Creator, a Creator who loves our souls so much that He gave us the choice to reject Him.
Consider this: When you look at say a shoe, you don't say that the leather, shoe laces, sole all miraculously came together do you? No! You would say someone designed the shoe and put it together. So why would you look at something as complex as a molecule or a cell and say "oh it just miraculously happened?" What about a tree, or an animal. The chances that things would simply come together and life would form is zero. Don't believe me? Read it, do the research yourself. Why would you just believe what you hear from the Discovery Channel, or in the media? Don't you want to know?
One of the great things about our Creator is that He revealed Himself to us, through His creation, and through His Word. We don't have a blind faith! So the next time someone states that the Bible is false and that we evolved from apes, ask that person where the proof is? Just because the Discovery Channel says so isn't good enough.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Alone on the Water
A year or so ago I got this crazy idea that I wanted to go on a solo float trip down the Current River. Why you ask? Well I can tell you that anyone I shared this idea with thought I was crazy... I think I did for a time as well. My beautiful wife didn't give me that reaction though, she simply said ok. Well finally this past week I did it, I floated 30 miles by myself and stayed 2 nights on the river. This was a completely new experience for me. I had to face many fears, some I didn't even know I had. So what were those fears, well... let's see. First was what if I tipped or got hurt and there was no one around to help me? I learned that God was right there with me. Next was the fear of when it got dark, what critters would be there stalking me at night? I learned that the King of all creation was right there with me. What I didn't know I feared was that of being alone, alone with my thoughts, alone with my past, alone with my future. See when you are out there in the wilderness your mind comes to life. It's almost as if the sound of the breeze blowing through the trees becomes a clanging cymbal, or the bubbling water over the stones becomes a roar, and your thoughts become a scream in your ears.
When there are no distractions around whether it be a computer, people or just the business of life one can concentrate or focus on those things that the Lord might be whispering to you. I was able to get through a book, watch the birds go about their business, listen to the wind, and spend some incredible time with my God. As I saw how perfect everything was, how the birds had all of the food they needed, how peaceful everything was I knew that God was there.
I read the book Not Even a Hint by J0shua Harris. It spoke specifically about sexual purity; however it applied to all sin in our lives. As I watched and listened to the sights and sounds around me it became clearly evident how Holy the God of all creation truly is, it became clear how much He loves us. The Father in Heaven wants us to be deep in love with him, to be so passionate about him that we hate our sin, all of our sin.
Heavenly Father move me so that I hate my sin and that I might be a "man after your own heart"
Here are some pics from my trip (more to follow).
Current River at Pultite

Pultite Spring

Looking up river

Morning Fog looking at the cliff

At the campsite Friday Morning

Blue Springs
When there are no distractions around whether it be a computer, people or just the business of life one can concentrate or focus on those things that the Lord might be whispering to you. I was able to get through a book, watch the birds go about their business, listen to the wind, and spend some incredible time with my God. As I saw how perfect everything was, how the birds had all of the food they needed, how peaceful everything was I knew that God was there.
I read the book Not Even a Hint by J0shua Harris. It spoke specifically about sexual purity; however it applied to all sin in our lives. As I watched and listened to the sights and sounds around me it became clearly evident how Holy the God of all creation truly is, it became clear how much He loves us. The Father in Heaven wants us to be deep in love with him, to be so passionate about him that we hate our sin, all of our sin.
Heavenly Father move me so that I hate my sin and that I might be a "man after your own heart"
Here are some pics from my trip (more to follow).
Current River at Pultite
Pultite Spring
Looking up river
Morning Fog looking at the cliff
At the campsite Friday Morning
Blue Springs
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
God's Grace
I love my beautiful wife so much. Over the past several weeks, really years (I know that's a leap but just bear with me here) I have really struggled with God's grace. I have sinned so much, done so many horrible things that I struggled with how could God forgive me? Well this morning I spoke to a friend about some things going on in his life and in many way it mirrored what happened in my life. We spoke about grace and forgiveness, and that included forgiving myself. Shannon later told me again that she forgives me and holds nothing against me. She then told me this profound idea... God doesn't love me because of me, He loves me because of Him. Think on that a moment... wow! That is who God is, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16. That is Grace...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Good Bye Jerry... for now
Well just so everyone knows Jerry passed away yesterday morning at 12:41AM. We will miss you Jerry, you were a good friend, an incredible guitar player and a lover of Jesus Christ our Lord! See you on the other side bro!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Fear Part 2
So can I make a confession? I fear getting the stomach flu, that may sound silly but it seems that every year that stinkin bug goes around I fear getting it. I mean even to the point of sometimes thinking that I have it. Yeah it is pretty dumb.
I am currently reading Lee Strobel's The Case for Faith and found something profound in there. Particularly this statement: "We know that moral character gets formed through hardship, through overcoming obstacles, through enduring despite difficulties. (Page 41) This chapter deals with the question of "If God is so good why is there evil and suffering?" and the followup question of "Did God create evil?" Well the answer is because God loves us. "What???", you say. Ok I admit that is a very simplistic answer, but it is the truth. When God created the world he could have created us to only be good, but instead he gave us the choice to either love Him or not, he gave us free will. Love without choice is not love at all, we aren't robots it is what makes us human. So when God gave us free will, to love Him or to choose to turn away from him He created the possibility for evil. We actualized that potential through our choices (page 37). The penalty for evil is pain and suffering.
So the next question is then "Why doesn't God save us from the pain an suffereing?" As a parent I am faced every day with teachable moments. Many of those moments involve me making a choice of whether I will step in and intervene or not. Often times I cannot intervene to allow my sons to learn on there own, the joy they have because they were able to do it is wonderful! Sometimes that requires me to allow them to experience pain. God allows us to experience pain and suffering as teachable moments to us. There is so much more that can be said. (Read the book it is a great read!)
What I have learned is that for my sons I cannot protect them all the time, instead, I have to prepare them to handle the pain and the suffering as Christian men. We live in a world of evil, thus we pay the penalty. Instead of asking that the Lord would not allow me to get the stomach flu, instead I am now praying that he would give me the strength to handle it. Teachable moment....
I am currently reading Lee Strobel's The Case for Faith and found something profound in there. Particularly this statement: "We know that moral character gets formed through hardship, through overcoming obstacles, through enduring despite difficulties. (Page 41) This chapter deals with the question of "If God is so good why is there evil and suffering?" and the followup question of "Did God create evil?" Well the answer is because God loves us. "What???", you say. Ok I admit that is a very simplistic answer, but it is the truth. When God created the world he could have created us to only be good, but instead he gave us the choice to either love Him or not, he gave us free will. Love without choice is not love at all, we aren't robots it is what makes us human. So when God gave us free will, to love Him or to choose to turn away from him He created the possibility for evil. We actualized that potential through our choices (page 37). The penalty for evil is pain and suffering.
So the next question is then "Why doesn't God save us from the pain an suffereing?" As a parent I am faced every day with teachable moments. Many of those moments involve me making a choice of whether I will step in and intervene or not. Often times I cannot intervene to allow my sons to learn on there own, the joy they have because they were able to do it is wonderful! Sometimes that requires me to allow them to experience pain. God allows us to experience pain and suffering as teachable moments to us. There is so much more that can be said. (Read the book it is a great read!)
What I have learned is that for my sons I cannot protect them all the time, instead, I have to prepare them to handle the pain and the suffering as Christian men. We live in a world of evil, thus we pay the penalty. Instead of asking that the Lord would not allow me to get the stomach flu, instead I am now praying that he would give me the strength to handle it. Teachable moment....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
What to Fear?
It has almost been a year since Jerry had his surgery, now he lies on his death bed. Last night at the hospital was the closest to death I have ever been. Death is the penalty we must pay for our sins, it is a part of the curse. I have wrestled with my mortality for a long, long time, fearing death, fearing things other than the Lord Almighty. Psalm 2:11 says to "Serve the Lord with fear", I have feared other things. The Holy Spirit has been working on my heart in this are for the last couple of years, through various experiences, thoughts, conversations and through His Word. Last night was a release for me to no longer fear death. Death is not our friend, it is the price we pay for our sins. As I have said before we will all experience death, what I fear more now than death is that I won't hear the words "Well done good and faithful servant". I want to serve the Lord(I don't mean beyond what I do daily in life), obey His commands, honor him in all that I do. Death has been overcome by the Cross, where o'death is your sting?
Worshipping in the Hospital - Update
Last night was incredible, Amos and I were able to play and sing with all of our hearts for Jerry and more importantly for the Lord. When we first got there Jerry was very calm and pretty much asleep. As we played he stirred more and more, his eyes wide open looking like he was trying to sing with us. It was obviously very emotional, very heart wrenching as I watched one of his sons sitting there singing with us and crying as we cried. Jerry was by no means a perfect man, but he was an incredible guitar player, a father, a husband, and he loved the Lord Jesus Christ! He is just a few short days away from being set free, from breathing the air of Heaven! Jerry we love you bro!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Worshipping in the Hospital
Tonight Amos and I are heading up to JMH to sing worship songs with Jerry one last time. I pray that it ministers to his heart and that by the Holy Spirit he hears the words and music. More to come tonight. The update is that they have removed the feeding tubes and have given him only 3-5 days to live.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Yesterday Shannon asked me why would God allow Jerry to persist so long after his surgery in such a poor state of life? To me this is very similar to the question of "Why didn't Jesus heal everyone he met?" That's a profound question. I don't have an answer for it "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" declares the Lord. What I have found is that the world was set in motion at the time of creation, when the Fall occurred the decay of this world started. Sometimes God steps in from outside of time to intercede and other times He doesn't. What we have to remember is that God is sovereign and that even though we don't and can't understand everything that happens this side of Heaven God is on the throne!
Death comes in many forms and the death rate is 1 for 1, everyone must die the physical death because of the Fall. We live in a fallen world, do we have to accept that fact? NO! There is hope! God the Father sent His son so that after our physical death we can have eternal life. There will be a day when we no longer ask why.
Death comes in many forms and the death rate is 1 for 1, everyone must die the physical death because of the Fall. We live in a fallen world, do we have to accept that fact? NO! There is hope! God the Father sent His son so that after our physical death we can have eternal life. There will be a day when we no longer ask why.
Monday, March 2, 2009
For a Friend
Ok, well I haven't blogged like I said. I am hoping to change that. Today was a pretty sad day for me. For the last year a good friend of mine has laid in a bed suffering from seizures, strokes, infections, just a poor way of life all due to brain surgery he had last March. Jerry had a benign brain tumor that grew and grew until it started to effect him in some serious ways. After the brain surgery it has been extremely rough for his family, wife and two sons. What really tears my heart apart is that two men at an age where they need their daddy the most have had to say goodbye and see what once was their father waste away. Today they decided it was time to remove the feeding tubes, why? Well it was just time. I don't know how long he will live but I will tell you this the Lord has spoken to me through this situation. Those two boys need a mentor they need men to help them through. I just finished a book called King Me by Steven Farrar, wow what a book. It opened my eyes that my single most important role in this life is that of a father. I am the mentor to my three sons. How I live my life is how they will see the Father in Heaven. Whoa huge responsibility. While I cannot be a dad to Jerry's two boys I can help. As a Christian that is what I am called to do, to serve. There is so much more that can be said. Meanwhile I will pray and I will celebrate and I will grieve the life of Jerry Pryor, great guitar player, a God follower and my friend.
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